Orcs vs Elves
Day Trip Pass
Come for a hike to explore the Shire! Orcs & Elves (NFTs) are valid for a Shire Day Trip Pass! Transportation available.
Holders of our genesis collection get special discounts on mints, and access to special perks in the future!

No one is quite sure when it started, but by the time anyone realized what was happening, orcs had taken over the shire. We don’t know where they came from or why they are here – all that is known about them is their love of battle and general angst. They were followed by a drove of electric elves that came from a different world. It is said that these creatures will do battle with one another, and that the winner will be determined by the moon. This is not the end of their story.
Angsty Orcs
Electric Elves
A collection of 153 hand-drawn, unique generative art collectibles that gain special access to our Shire community and to special perks once we open.
Our collectibles unlock exclusive airdrops of mysterious coins that gain special powers at the Shire over time. These coins have the potential to create and destroy, and thus must be used with caution.
Coins can only be earned with special giveaways and airdrops!
You can sometimes find them in the aftermarket on JPG.store.
88 Series 1 Angsty Orc COINS
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